Now you can order online in our store. All online orders are conveniently processed by a fast, easy and secure checkout.
Just click the 'Size' and add item to your shopping cart. When you have completed your order, simply click the 'Checkout'
button and enter your preferred payment method and shipping address. Our checkout is convenient, safe and easy! All orders
are shipped in padded packaging and are guaranteed to arrive undamaged. Please feel free to contact us anytime if you have
questions about any products or need clarification on payment and shipping policies.

Here are the following shipping prices:
Glove & Watch Combination
$6.95 Shipping & Handling
$4.95 Shipping & Handling
$4.95 Shipping & Handling
$5.50 Shipping & Handling
Payment Methods
If you are interested in purchasing anything on this site, you may do so by adding the item to your shopping cart. We
accept Mastercard, Visa, Discover, and American Express for online orders.
Money Orders
If you live outside Canada, please ensure money order is the International Type
- some money order types are only negotiable in the country of origin.
Personal Checks
USA and
Canadian customers only. Shipment may be delayed until check clears.
All prices
are USD. Canadian currency will be accepted at the current USD exchange rate
Nevada Residence
Add 8.1% sales tax
International Customers Please Read
While we ship to many destinations worldwide,
we may not be aware of the regulations that pertain to the importation of products to your country. Such regulations, if any,
may vary by location and may change without our knowledge. If you are uncertain regarding import regulations to your destination,
we urge you to check with your customs authority before placing an order. Our refund policy does not apply to orders
that may be confiscated by an importing authority.
Privacy Policy
Contact information including email address, telephone number, address, etc., which is provided by the user is used solely
for the purpose of completing the order. This includes information pertaining to gift receipts. Financial information including
credit card numbers, expiration dates, billing address is used solely to bill the customer for their order.